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online programming

Online programming is available is 4, 6, 8 or 12 week blocks. The programming will focus mainly on a training regime that fits into your lifestyle.

Nutrition guidance is available as an additional service.

An initial assessment of your needs and goals will be completed before any programs are designed issued- this is to ensure that the program fits specifically to your goals, and importantly that it is manageable.

Bi-weekly check-ins will be an important tool for

us to continually track progress and

adjust programs accordingly.



Online training programs, bi-weekly check-ins:

£15 per week.

Nutritional guidance, with weekly check-ins:

£15 per week.

Save when you purchase both together:

£25 per week


Min. 4 week commitment to any service. 

Save when you book a block of 8 weeks or more at once. Contact us for more details and to start your journey today!


Sports Massage Therapy

We also offer sports massage which is a perfect compliment to any training regime.


30 mins : £40

45 mins: £50

1 hour: £60

Discounts available for Personal Training clients.

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